Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojenie s dôverou

Connected with trust

D. Trust
Certifikačná Autorita a.s.

Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojení s dôverou

Connected with trust


Certificates CA for commercial services used from 05/2022

Certificate subordinate CA pca22_ecc issuing unqualified certificates

CN= I.CA Public CA/ECC 06/2022, sn: 100001064/0x5f5e528

Hash SHA-256 (formát DER)*: 8f1924e14752d2264d905508ab3c48e2eaea860c9843573a96a347aeaed0ccaf
Length of cryptographic key for ECC algorithm: 521 bits
Lifetime: from 20.6.2022 to 17.6.2032

Qualified system certificate subordinate PCA

CN= I.CA Public CA/RSA 06/2022, sn: 100001063/0x5f5e527

Hash SHA-256 (formát DER)*: df5baf6d7e1a7d14e9911c5b8c676ec6ebcad9354a74f4ac7314e133e07a94de
Length of cryptographic key for RSA algorithm: 4096 bits
Lifetime: from 20.6.2022 to 17.6.2032

Qualified system certificate subordinate SSL CA

CN= I.CA TLS DV/OV CA/RSA 06/2022, sn: 100001070/0x5f5e52e

Hash SHA-256 (formát DER)*: 15448c743b75dcc18d782728037226b6f339ac288c1b8fecba5892556e5879ee
Length of cryptographic key for RSA algorithm: 4096 bits
Lifetime: from 20.6.2022 to 19.6.2032

* Fingerprints are calculated from the content of the whole file.

Registration authorities
