Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojenie s dôverou

Connected with trust

D. Trust
Certifikačná Autorita a.s.

Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojení s dôverou

Connected with trust


I.CA Verify

I.CA Verify is a commercial service providing verification of electronic signature of documents in formats according to the Slovak Republic - ZEP format. The Electronic Signature Validation Service works with the certificate and has a close link to other certification services and systems.

The output is the verification status (valid / invalid signature, can not be verified, reason for not verifying), time to which it was verified, time source (time of request receipt, time stamp, user specified parameter, date under which the verification was performed).

Verification has the character of a response in a defined structure suitable for automated processing. The answer is provided with an electronic mark / seal I.CA with a time stamp attached.

Supported formats

The service supports document validation in standard and legally supported formats:

  • ZEPf format

Verification time

The service will allow you to select the time for verification to take place:

  • verify the time stamped
  • verify the time entered by the client
  • verify the time the request is received.

In case that:

  • the document has a time stamp, it is verified at the time stamp date.
  • the document is not stamped and the client enters the time manually, verifying it by that date.
  • the document is not stamped and the client does not enter the time manually, it is validated on the date the verification request is received.

Certificate Verification

Full verification is performed on the I.CA server. Using the I.CA component in the client environment, the client only sends the ZEP signature to the I.CA server, where the authentication is performed. Document as such will never leave the client environment

Output service

Authentication status (valid / invalid signature, can not be verified, reason for not verifying), time to which it was verified, time source (time request received, time stamp, user specified parameter, validation data - CRL number), hash of verified data.

Verification status will be a response pattern in a defined structure suitable for automated processing. Responses are optionally archived. The answer will be provided with an I.CA electronic seal with a time stamp attached.


  • The service is provided in 24/7 mode.

Registration authorities
