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I.CA PKIService

I.CA PKIService is complex solution for creation of electronic signature in your internet browser. I.CA PKIService component provides safe creation of electronic signing for electronic portal, web form or e-shop. It is possible to ensure one format of electronic signature for all users of electronic form, document or data, which are required from entrepreneur to the clients. Practically, there are different requests, orders, contractual documents etc.

Created electronic signatures are in order with technical regulation ETSI and eIDAS. Creating of electronic signature is bounded by permitted URL or client server.

Supported formats of electronic signatures: 

  • PAdES-B-B, CAdES-B-T – due to regulation EN 319 122, in version: internal/external
  • PAdES-B-B, PAdES-B-T – due to regulation EN 319 142, in version: invisible/visible – text/picture/text+picture + optionally picture on the background
  • XAdES B-B, XAdES B-T – due to regulation ETSI TS 103171 in the enveloped version

All the formats mentioned above are supporting the version with time stamp insertion. 

I.CA PKIService is supporting following web browsers: 

  • Internet Explorer / EDGE
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Opera

Download of application I.CA PKIServiceHost and extensions are available here.

In case of requirement, it is possible to include extension of another concrete web browser. 

Example of installation in Google Chrome browser: 

Platform support: 

  • Windows
  • MacOS
  • Linux
For more information contact us on sales@ica.cz.

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