Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojenie s dôverou

Connected with trust

D. Trust
Certifikačná Autorita a.s.

Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojení s dôverou

Connected with trust


Certificates CA for qualified services used from 05/2022

Certificate of subordinate CA qcask22_rsa

CN= I.CA EU Qualified CA-SK/RSA 10/2022, sn: 100001076/0x5f5e534

Hash SHA-256 (formát DER)*: a045f6acb1f2d0d190ee07dfb6f6611374338bae1905ecb21918c0d7b19496ee
Length of cryptographic key for RSA algorithm: 4096 bitů
Lifetime: from 13.10.2022 to 10.10.2032

Certificate of subordinate CA 2qca22_ecc

CN= I.CA EU Qualified CA2/ECC 06/2022, sn: 100001068/0x5f5e52c

Hash SHA-256 (format DER)*: a7cdf7f580ea9016fd3ae07f642f5fb58a971224e6c4e92a498a33537b2034c8
Length of cryptographic key for ECC algorithm: 521 bitů
Lifetime: from 20.6.2022 to 17.6.2032

Certificate of subordinate CA for issuing qualified certificates for website authentication (QWAC)

CN= I.CA TLS EV CA/RSA 06/2022, sn: 100001071/0x5f5e52f

Hash SHA-256 (format DER)*: b9ef51a5f69a974f8d290b0a75fb253b7339053002aecb6516a270ea88aef4ed
Length of cryptographic key for RSA algorithm: 4096 bitů
Lifetime: from 22.6.2022 to 19.6.2032

Certificate of subordinate CA for services of qualified electronic time stamps TSA2

CN= I.CA TSA CA/RSA 06/2022, sn: 100001067/0x5f5e52b

Hash SHA-256 (format DER)*: 52b27152bd36bce43c76dd4f8e8068a39a2230ebcd21a354c27485d12ff6f9e1
Length of cryptographic key for RSA algorithm: 4096 bitů
Lifetime: from 22.6.2022 to 19.6.2032

Certificate of subordinate CA for issuing qualified certificates

CN= I.CA EU Qualified CA2/RSA 06/2022, sn: 100001066/0x5f5e52a

Hash SHA-256 (format DER)*: 5f9147824201b2e23d8e128f99adb9ec11c495796960fa0faef05f901a347c66
Length of cryptographic key for RSA algorithm: 4096 bitů
Lifetime: from 20.6.2022 to 17.6.2032

* Fingerprints are calculated from the content of the whole file.

Registration authorities
