Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojenie s dôverou

Connected with trust

D. Trust
Certifikačná Autorita a.s.

Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojení s dôverou

Connected with trust


Cryptographic keys storage

The new service I.CA offers comprehensive management of cryptographic keys and their long-term preservation of the environment by an independent third tent. Cryptographic keys are used in numerous projects and technical solutions to ensure the confidentiality of stored or transmitted data.

The basic essence of the service is the impossibility of decrypt the data without interaction I.CA and the client. The client has the option of using this service, sophisticated protect their customers' data.

The service has, among other things, for clients supporting character in potential litigation and in demonstrating the expression of the will of his client.

The service is designed for a wide range of clients. Currently, it mainly uses a number of clients from the banking sector.

Usage in project of integration of biometric signature

The service is designed for clients who integrate biometric signature service to their processes and solves the problem of confidentiality of data. Here it is possible to use the service as one of the additional functions using this technology.

Registration authorities
