Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojenie s dôverou

Connected with trust

D. Trust
Certifikačná Autorita a.s.

Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojení s dôverou

Connected with trust


CA for qualified services - non-hierarchical structure


CN = I.CA - Qualified Certification Authority, 09/2009; SN = 10500000 (00a037a0 hex)

Hash SHA-256 (format DER)*: c0c05a8d8da55eaf27aa9b910b0a6ef0d8bbded346928db872e182c2073e9802
Length of cryptographic key for RSA algorithm: 2048 bitů
Lifetime: from September 1, 2009 to September 1, 2019 


CN = I.CA - Qualified root certificate; SN = 10300000 (009d2a60 HEX)

Hash SHA-256 (formát DER)*: 1aa980c8c0d316f25029978982f033cbb3a3f4188d669f2de6a8d84ee00a1575
Length of cryptographic key for RSA algorithm: 2048 bitů
Lifetime: from April 1, 2008 to April 1, 2018

CN = I.CA - Qualified root certificate; SN = 10100000 (009a1d20 HEX)

Hash SHA-256 (format DER)*: ee711e703e77050e5cbf186a81eb8d169d05bf0438dbc655e70eff17436e0ea2
Length of cryptographic key for RSA algorithm: 2048 bitů
Lifetime: from June 1, 2005 to June 1, 2011 

CN = I.CA - Qualified root certificate (kvalifikovaný certifikát poskytovatele) - PSEUDONYM; SN = 10000001 (00989681 HEX)

Hash SHA-256 (format DER)*: 5dff586c9b7849b90adb3a9979447d002ce3cfb710ef8aa0e826ec0c0a89b030
Length of cryptographic key for RSA algorithm: 2048 bitů
Lifetime: from March 22, 2002 to March 22, 2008 


* Fingerprints are calculated from the content of the whole file.  

Registration authorities
