Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojenie s dôverou

Connected with trust

D. Trust
Certifikačná Autorita a.s.

Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojení s dôverou

Connected with trust

Skip Navigation Links > Support > For your help > Instruction > Certificate back up

Backup certificate

All types of certificates offered by I.CA consist of several parts:

  • Private key (also data for the creation of an electronic signature),
  • Public key (also data for the authentication of an electronic signature), usually a part of the certificate,
  • The certificate itself.

In order for your certificate to be used correctly, you have to have a private key associated with the certificate, which is used to create the electronic signature. If you use a hardware solution such as smart card or USB token, the private key is located on such a medium and it is not necessary to do the backup. If you only use a PC, we recommend creating a backup.

Creating a private key backup according to the PC operating system

OS Windows 7
OS Windows 8
OS Windows 10/11

After the certificate is issued, you already have all its parts available (private key, certificate with public key). If you only use a PC, we recommend that you back up the certificate with the appropriate keys. This backup is used for disaster recovery needs or for transfer to another device.

A backup (export) of a certificate can be created only if the certificate was designated as exportable.

Creating a certificate backup according to the PC operating system

OS Windows 7
OS Windows 8
OS Windows 10/11

Registration authorities
