Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojenie s dôverou

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D. Trust
Certifikačná Autorita a.s.

Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojení s dôverou

Connected with trust

Skip Navigation Links > Contacts > Registration authorities - wordwide > Registration authorities

Registration authorities

If you are interested in issuing a certificate (except SSL and QWAC), you can search for the nearest registration authority of I.CA, where you will receive the certificate during your personal visit. In order to ensure a smooth check-in, please make an appointment with the registration authority in advance.

The contacts below do not serve as technical support, in case of any questions use the contacts here .

HW - branches with this label also offer smart cards and smart card readers.
SW -- branches with this label also issue certificates for electronic communication in Slovakia.

Hlavní město Praha
Praha 5 Štefánikova 236/13, 246/15 Městská část Praha 5


Other contacts: 

+420 257 000 981 Kateřina Holubová katerina.holubova@praha5.cz
+420 257 000 578 Romana Stiborová romana.stiborova@praha5.cz
+420 257 000 868 Antonie Jandová antonie.jandova@praha5.cz
+420 257 000 986 Monika Ryšavá monika.rysava@praha5.cz

Business Hours: 
Office hours can be found on the Prague 5 city district office website.

Notification: Certificate issuance takes place in accordance with the prescribed hygiene measures and after making an appointment in advance.  

The registration authority is located at the Signature Verification, documents and Czech POINT working site on the office building ground floor. The branch office offers hardware for secure certificate storage. 
Praha 9 Podvinný mlýn 2178/6 První certifikační autorita, a.s.
+420 284 081 945


Business Hours: Mon - Thu 8:00 am - 3:30 pm, Fri 8:00 am - 12:00 am

On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.
At this branch we accept for payment for purchased services, these types of credit cards.

Praha 1 Vodičkova 18/681 Úřad městské části Praha 1
+420 221 097 358


Other contacts:

 +420 221 097 358 Ondřej Hála ondrej.hala@praha1.cz
 +420 221 097 643 Pavla Sedláčková pavla.sedlackova@praha1.cz
 +420 221 097 206 Alice Maier alice.maier@praha1.cz

Business hours: Mon, Wed: 8:00–16:00, Tue, Thu 8:00-15:00, Fri 8:00-12:00 

The service is provided at the information Office, on the ground floor of the building of the bureau, in agreement with the customer. 

Praha 4 Na Pankráci 125 OKsystem a.s.
+420 236 072 111


Business hours: Mon - Fri: 9:00–12:00; 13:00-14:00

The registration authority is located on the ground floor of the OKsystem building near the metro station Pankrác (line "C").

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

It is not necessary to arrange an appointment in advance if you intend to visit the registration authority during business hours.

Praha 6 Čs. armády 23 Úřad městské části Prahy 6
+420 220 189 309


Other contacts:

 +420 220 189 384 Markéta Jirásková mjiraskova@praha6.cz
 +420 220 189 310 Kateřina Hykešová khykesova@praha6.cz
 +420 220 189 855 Kateřina Rudlerová krudlerova@praha6.cz

Business Hours:

Mon and Wed 8:00 am - 4:30 pm; Tues and Thu 8:00 am - 3:30 pm; Fri 8:00 am - 1:30 pm

The service is provided at the information Office "Dvorana", on the ground floor of the building of the bureau, in agreement with the customer. 

Jihomoravský kraj
Brno Hlínky 27 Hi-Tech Services, spol. s r.o.
+420 543 234 017


Business hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.
This branch also offers a mobile service registration authority. Provides sales licensed user applications I.CA Secom. It is authorized to provide service Archival qualified time stamps. More information is available at the above telephone numbers.

Brno Moravanská 162/60 Ing. David Rotrekl
+420 606 117 792
Brno Žerotínovo nám. 3/5 Krajský úřad Jihomoravského kraje
+420 541 651 144


Other contacts:

  +420 541 651 145 hrubesova.silvie@kr-jihomoravsky.cz

Business Hours: Mon and Wed 8:00 am-12:00 am; 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Jihočeský kraj
Tábor Erbenova 572 ArrowSys s.r.o.
+420 381 251 685


Business hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (opening hours upon a call in 5:00 pm)

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.
This branch also offers a mobile service registration authority, more information is available at the above telephone numbers.
The service is provided in agreement with the customer.

České Budějovice Rudolfovská 202/88 DIKA Servis s.r.o.
+420 734 200 998



Business hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00 am – 3:30 pm (opening hours upon a call in 5:00 pm)

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

This branch also offers a mobile service registration authority. Provides sales licensed user applications I.CA Secom. It is authorized to provide service Archival qualified time stamps. More information is available at the above telephone numbers.
The service is provided in agreement with the customer.

Písek Pražská 483 The Cloud Provider s.r.o.
+420 380 424 000


Business hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00 am – 3:30 pm

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates.

Karlovarský kraj
Karlovy Vary Závodu míru 233 MAJAK-SOFTWARE, spol. s r.o.
+420 777 740 220


Business Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00-16:00
Cheb Obrněné brigády 553/31 SCH-EKONOM s.r.o.
+420 351 011 825


Business Hours: Mon - Thu 7:00 am - 3:30 pm, Fri 7:00 am - 2:00 pm

Karlovy Vary Závodu míru 241/70 Vladimír Samojil
+420 601 586 757


Business Hours: in agreement with the customer

Kraj Vysočina
Jihlava Žižkova 57 Krajský úřad kraje Vysočina
+420 564 602 309


Business Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 am -12:00 am

The service is provided in agreement with the customer.

Bystřice nad Pernštejnem Masarykovo náměstí 53 Partners Financial Services, a.s.
+420 564 034 322


This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Královéhradecký kraj
Hradec Králové Akademika Bedrny 365/10 (CETIN) První certifikační autorita, a.s.


Business Hours: in agreement with the customer

A visit to the registration authority must be arranged in advance at the above e-mail address. Thank you.
This registration authority provides all types of certificates including HW for their secure storage.

Jičín Dlouhá 615 COMPEK MEDICAL SERVICES, s.r.o.
+420 604 200 039


Business Hours: Mon - Thu 8:00 am - 5:30 pm

The service is provided in agreement with the customer.
This branch also offers a mobile service registration authority, more information is available at the above telephone number.

Hradec Králové Zamenhofova 1070 CENTROPOL ENERGY, a.s.


Business Hours: in agreement with the customer

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Hradec Králové Vážní 899 COMPEK MEDICAL SERVICES, s.r.o.
+420 603 172 425


Other contacts:

Petr Tichý petr.tichy@compek.cz

Business Hours: Mon - Thu 8:00 am - 5:30 pm

The service is provided in agreement with the customer.
This branch also offers a mobile service registration authority, more information is available at the above telephone number.

Liberecký kraj
Liberec Frýdlantská ulice 183 (Klientské centrum OPUSCARD) Liberecká IS, a.s.
+420 485 243 051


Business Hours: Mon and Thu: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm; Tue and Thu: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm; Fri: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Moravskoslezský kraj
Hradec nad Moravicí Tovární okruh 674 AMG Studio s.r.o.


Business Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-11:30; 12:15-16:00
Frýdek-Místek Dvořákova 730 eABM s.r.o.
+420 558 644 011


Business Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-11:30am 0:15-4:00pm

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Frýdek-Místek U Staré pošty 45 e-signature s.r.o
+420 558 628 484


Other contacts:

 +420 603 936 605
 +420 603 473 661

Business Hours: in agreement with the customer


Ostrava 28. října 3388/111 OKsystem a.s.
+420 236 072 560


Business hours: Mon - Fri: 9:00–12:00; 13:00-14:00

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Ostrava Špálova 469/6 Advanced Dynamic s.r.o.
+420 595 548 488


Other contacts:

 +420 737 186 089
+420 777 579 246


Business Hours: in agreement with the customer

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Olomoucký kraj
Olomouc tř. Kosmonautů 1221/2a Envelopa Office Center

Pardubický kraj
Pardubice Smilova 412 CENTROPOL ENERGY. a.s.


Business Hours: in agreement with the customer

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Plzeňský kraj
Plzeň Na Roudné 34 LSIT s.r.o.
+420 603 100 594


Business hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Středočeský kraj
Kladno Cyrila Boudy 1444 NZ SERVIS s.r.o.
+420 311 202 111


Business Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Ústecký kraj
Teplice Mírové náměstí 3057 CENTROPOL ENERGY. a.s.


This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Ústí nad Labem Velká Hradební 3118/48 - "A" podatelna Krajský úřad Ústeckého kraje
+420 475 657 116


Other contacts:

  +420 475 657 330 or +420 603 192 624 (Mrs. Soukupová) 
  +420 475 657 937 (pí Jerychová)

Business Hours: Mon - Fri 7:00 am - 2:00 pm

The service is provided in agreement with the customer.

Ústí nad Labem Mírové náměstí 3097/37 (PB-CENTRUM spol. s r.o.) Metropolnet a.s.
+420 475 272 935



Business Hours: in agreement with the customer

Zlínský kraj
Zlín Lešetín II 385 Partners Financial Services, a.s.
+420 602 888 858


Other contacts: 

  +420 732 101 214

Business Hours: in agreement with the customer

Hlavní město Praha
Městská část Praha 5
Praha 5 Štefánikova 236/13, 246/15 +420257000983


More information about subsidiary

Other contacts: 

+420 257 000 981 Kateřina Holubová katerina.holubova@praha5.cz
+420 257 000 578 Romana Stiborová romana.stiborova@praha5.cz
+420 257 000 868 Antonie Jandová antonie.jandova@praha5.cz
+420 257 000 986 Monika Ryšavá monika.rysava@praha5.cz

Business Hours: 
Office hours can be found on the Prague 5 city district office website.

Notification: Certificate issuance takes place in accordance with the prescribed hygiene measures and after making an appointment in advance.  

The registration authority is located at the Signature Verification, documents and Czech POINT working site on the office building ground floor. The branch office offers hardware for secure certificate storage. 
První certifikační autorita, a.s.
Praha 9 Podvinný mlýn 2178/6 +420 284 081 945


More information about subsidiary

Business Hours: Mon - Thu 8:00 am - 3:30 pm, Fri 8:00 am - 12:00 am

On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.
At this branch we accept for payment for purchased services, these types of credit cards.

Úřad městské části Praha 1
Praha 1 Vodičkova 18/681 +420 221 097 358


More information about subsidiary
Other contacts:

 +420 221 097 358 Ondřej Hála ondrej.hala@praha1.cz
 +420 221 097 643 Pavla Sedláčková pavla.sedlackova@praha1.cz
 +420 221 097 206 Alice Maier alice.maier@praha1.cz

Business hours: Mon, Wed: 8:00–16:00, Tue, Thu 8:00-15:00, Fri 8:00-12:00 

The service is provided at the information Office, on the ground floor of the building of the bureau, in agreement with the customer. 

OKsystem a.s.
Praha 4 Na Pankráci 125 +420 236 072 111


More information about subsidiary

Business hours: Mon - Fri: 9:00–12:00; 13:00-14:00

The registration authority is located on the ground floor of the OKsystem building near the metro station Pankrác (line "C").

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

It is not necessary to arrange an appointment in advance if you intend to visit the registration authority during business hours.

Úřad městské části Prahy 6
Praha 6 Čs. armády 23 +420 220 189 309


More information about subsidiary

Other contacts:

 +420 220 189 384 Markéta Jirásková mjiraskova@praha6.cz
 +420 220 189 310 Kateřina Hykešová khykesova@praha6.cz
 +420 220 189 855 Kateřina Rudlerová krudlerova@praha6.cz

Business Hours:

Mon and Wed 8:00 am - 4:30 pm; Tues and Thu 8:00 am - 3:30 pm; Fri 8:00 am - 1:30 pm

The service is provided at the information Office "Dvorana", on the ground floor of the building of the bureau, in agreement with the customer. 

Jihomoravský kraj
Hi-Tech Services, spol. s r.o.
Brno Hlínky 27 +420 543 234 017


More information about subsidiary

Business hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.
This branch also offers a mobile service registration authority. Provides sales licensed user applications I.CA Secom. It is authorized to provide service Archival qualified time stamps. More information is available at the above telephone numbers.

Ing. David Rotrekl
Brno Moravanská 162/60 +420 606 117 792


Krajský úřad Jihomoravského kraje
Brno Žerotínovo nám. 3/5 +420 541 651 144


More information about subsidiary

Other contacts:

  +420 541 651 145 hrubesova.silvie@kr-jihomoravsky.cz

Business Hours: Mon and Wed 8:00 am-12:00 am; 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Jihočeský kraj
ArrowSys s.r.o.
Tábor Erbenova 572 +420 381 251 685


More information about subsidiary

Business hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (opening hours upon a call in 5:00 pm)

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.
This branch also offers a mobile service registration authority, more information is available at the above telephone numbers.
The service is provided in agreement with the customer.

DIKA Servis s.r.o.
České Budějovice Rudolfovská 202/88 +420 734 200 998


More information about subsidiary


Business hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00 am – 3:30 pm (opening hours upon a call in 5:00 pm)

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

This branch also offers a mobile service registration authority. Provides sales licensed user applications I.CA Secom. It is authorized to provide service Archival qualified time stamps. More information is available at the above telephone numbers.
The service is provided in agreement with the customer.

The Cloud Provider s.r.o.
Písek Pražská 483 +420 380 424 000


More information about subsidiary
Business hours: Mon-Fri: 8:00 am – 3:30 pm

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates.

Karlovarský kraj
MAJAK-SOFTWARE, spol. s r.o.
Karlovy Vary Závodu míru 233 +420 777 740 220


More information about subsidiary
Business Hours: Mon-Fri 8:00-16:00
Cheb Obrněné brigády 553/31 +420 351 011 825


More information about subsidiary

Business Hours: Mon - Thu 7:00 am - 3:30 pm, Fri 7:00 am - 2:00 pm

Vladimír Samojil
Karlovy Vary Závodu míru 241/70 +420 601 586 757


More information about subsidiary

Business Hours: in agreement with the customer

Kraj Vysočina
Krajský úřad kraje Vysočina
Jihlava Žižkova 57 +420 564 602 309


More information about subsidiary

Business Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 am -12:00 am

The service is provided in agreement with the customer.

Partners Financial Services, a.s.
Bystřice nad Pernštejnem Masarykovo náměstí 53 +420 564 034 322


More information about subsidiary
This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Královéhradecký kraj
První certifikační autorita, a.s.
Hradec Králové Akademika Bedrny 365/10 (CETIN)


More information about subsidiary

Business Hours: in agreement with the customer

A visit to the registration authority must be arranged in advance at the above e-mail address. Thank you.
This registration authority provides all types of certificates including HW for their secure storage.

Jičín Dlouhá 615 +420 604 200 039


More information about subsidiary

Business Hours: Mon - Thu 8:00 am - 5:30 pm

The service is provided in agreement with the customer.
This branch also offers a mobile service registration authority, more information is available at the above telephone number.

Hradec Králové Zamenhofova 1070


More information about subsidiary

Business Hours: in agreement with the customer

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Hradec Králové Vážní 899 +420 603 172 425


More information about subsidiary

Other contacts:

Petr Tichý petr.tichy@compek.cz

Business Hours: Mon - Thu 8:00 am - 5:30 pm

The service is provided in agreement with the customer.
This branch also offers a mobile service registration authority, more information is available at the above telephone number.

Liberecký kraj
Liberecká IS, a.s.
Liberec Frýdlantská ulice 183 (Klientské centrum OPUSCARD) +420 485 243 051


More information about subsidiary

Business Hours: Mon and Thu: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm; Tue and Thu: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm; Fri: 8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Moravskoslezský kraj
AMG Studio s.r.o.
Hradec nad Moravicí Tovární okruh 674


More information about subsidiary
Business Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-11:30; 12:15-16:00
eABM s.r.o.
Frýdek-Místek Dvořákova 730 +420 558 644 011


More information about subsidiary

Business Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-11:30am 0:15-4:00pm

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

e-signature s.r.o
Frýdek-Místek U Staré pošty 45 +420 558 628 484


More information about subsidiary

Other contacts:

 +420 603 936 605
 +420 603 473 661

Business Hours: in agreement with the customer


OKsystem a.s.
Ostrava 28. října 3388/111 +420 236 072 560


More information about subsidiary

Business hours: Mon - Fri: 9:00–12:00; 13:00-14:00

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Advanced Dynamic s.r.o.
Ostrava Špálova 469/6 +420 595 548 488


More information about subsidiary

Other contacts:

 +420 737 186 089
+420 777 579 246


Business Hours: in agreement with the customer

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Olomoucký kraj
Envelopa Office Center
Olomouc tř. Kosmonautů 1221/2a


Pardubický kraj
Pardubice Smilova 412


More information about subsidiary

Business Hours: in agreement with the customer

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Plzeňský kraj
LSIT s.r.o.
Plzeň Na Roudné 34 +420 603 100 594


More information about subsidiary

Business hours: Mon-Fri 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Středočeský kraj
NZ SERVIS s.r.o.
Kladno Cyrila Boudy 1444 +420 311 202 111


More information about subsidiary

Business Hours: Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 3:00 pm

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Ústecký kraj
Teplice Mírové náměstí 3057


More information about subsidiary

This registration authority issues all kind of certificates. On this branch, it is possible to buy the hardware, the type of HW is needed in advance to check.

Krajský úřad Ústeckého kraje
Ústí nad Labem Velká Hradební 3118/48 - "A" podatelna +420 475 657 116


More information about subsidiary

Other contacts:

  +420 475 657 330 or +420 603 192 624 (Mrs. Soukupová) 
  +420 475 657 937 (pí Jerychová)

Business Hours: Mon - Fri 7:00 am - 2:00 pm

The service is provided in agreement with the customer.

Metropolnet a.s.
Ústí nad Labem Mírové náměstí 3097/37 (PB-CENTRUM spol. s r.o.) +420 475 272 935


More information about subsidiary


Business Hours: in agreement with the customer

Zlínský kraj
Partners Financial Services, a.s.
Zlín Lešetín II 385 +420 602 888 858


More information about subsidiary

Other contacts: 

  +420 732 101 214

Business Hours: in agreement with the customer

Registration authorities
