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D. Trust
Certifikačná Autorita a.s.

Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojení s dôverou

Connected with trust

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Technical problems

 "Using smart cards via RDP

When connecting via RDP it is necessary to set that RDP can use local smart cards. The “Smart Card” (Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10) and “Smart Card Enumeration Service” (Windows 8 and Windows 10) services must be turned on, the smart card must be connected to the computer you are connecting from. The remote computer must have I.CA SecureStore Card Manager installed.

 Error generating private key. Error: Not enough space.

The reason for this error message is the lack of space on the smart card to store the certificate private key / subsequent certificate. It is therefore necessary to remove some objects with older certificates from the smart card. The certificate is removed from the smart card using I.CA SecureStore.

You need to select personal certificates, then click on the certificate container for the year and select Remove container on the right, enter the pin and the container will be deleted.


 Error: Native host exception

This error message most often occurs when "protected mode" is enabled Internet browser that blocks ICAPKISERVICEHOST from running.

You can temporarily disable this setting as follows: Internet Explorer-> tools-> internet options-> security-> trusted sites-> enable protected mode (this option must be unchecked)

 “Internal error has occurred, the user profile is not available”

This error message can be displayed during the transfer of a certificate from the Windows XP operating system to the Windows 7 operating system. Detailed instructions are available here .

 “Provider not found”

During the course of generation of a request for a certificate, a private key is created. The storage location of the key may be in a PC, smart card or USB token. The storage location is determined by the CSP provider (= key type). If you choose the key storage location on a smart card, for example, and there is no smart card in the reader (or no drivers have been installed), the computer will display the “Provider not found” error message.

  • Key type for smart cards: SecureStore CSP
  • Key type for PC Microsoft: Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider
  • Other HW solutions: the CSP is indicated by the manufacturer

 “Certificate being installed in a PC where the request was not generated”

There may be several reasons for this message to appear during the installation of a certificate. More information is available here .

 No request for a certificate could be generated on the website

If you have not succeeded to generate a request using the on-line forms available on this website, you can use the ICA NewCert off-line application. The application can be downloaded here .

 „Error 0x80090010 - Access denied“

This error message is displayed when creating a certificate request, if you grant permission to use the generated key. The procedure for the removal of the error, see here .

Registration authorities
